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The light became increasingly bright and as my eyes grew accustomed to it I saw a crystal palace emerging.

The entrance of the celestial forest was buttressed with carpets of wild flowers and a crystal clear stream snaked its way through it. I could have swam because the water was pure and invigorating.

Nearly everywhere I turned in this summery paradise of the Astral Plane I was greeted with completely new vistas which stretched before me and endlessly around me.

Heaven is the place where the air turns to light and all vegetation competes in ever exuberayting extravagance as if competing with each other, but they are only striving to create more harmony and testify to the glory of heaven.

Placed in the center of an ornate water garden was a little temple, encrusted with plants and flowers which became more exuberant the closer they huddled towards the shrine. It could have been the chanting of the monks which invigorated their growth.

I entered a new open plane. Fields of grass and flowers were laid out in organic pattern crowned by a majestic jewel of a blossom which stretched skywards, celebrating the glory of heaven. I became still, as still as the water surrounding me.

Massive columns on either side of this little stream told me that I was on my way to the temple which would reveal to me the sacred mantra which would open the gates to a much higher realm. As I floated closer the great privilege of what was to come dawned on me.

The light and the atmosphere of this heavenly valley replenished my soul as I lay down on on a carpet of wild flowers wondering who the owners of the palace, perched on the rock, might be.

Crossing the open grassland which was dotted with tulip trees, and following the sound of a celestial concert, I headed straight for the magnificent music hall.

At the end of this heavenly stream was a shrine from which enchanting melodies drifted towards me, like angels chanting. I could have swam through it crystal clear stream towards it but I decided to fly so I could much sooner be united with its sweet source.

The Astral village is basically a water park with little islands and bridges. There are no pavements only carpets of grass and wild flowers which bend gently like moss under your feet, but immediately spring back to life as you pass.

Before sunrise I was attracted by an enchanting melody. As I followed its source I arrived as a glass temple, surrounded by a peaceful desert landscape.

Posters of the Astral Planes

You can now order posters or prints directly by clicking on the images below. You can change the size of the print from super size Poster to greeting card size.

Buying a print will support my creative Virtual Reality work which is free to download.


New illustrated Afterlife Book

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