Please help make lucid dreams come real

Sponsorship donations will go directly to Jurgen Ziewe via 3D Illustrations Ltd

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Update: 14th - Match 2022:

After nearly four months, work on Elysium continues


Stairway to Heaven

Where do the blessed souls go after they die?
Since going on a meditation retreat in May 2021, the impression of celestial gardens and palaces never left my imagination, inspired by a blessing during deep meditation.

It is far easier to be meandering around in the somewhat dull Near Earth levels during Out-of-Body-Experiences than entering the realms of the Divine. You can not push your way into the realms where Angels dwell. Your ego identification will have to be lost completely. It requires the innocence of a new born baby, therefore intent has no place. You are dependent on the invitation of the Divine Mother herself.

Construction has taken some time on this project while I was and still am working simultaneously on the OBE simulation. It has been a matter of months this time, not weeks, as I am still just a one man development studio. So please be patient.

Below are some stills of the abandoned project:

...the shape of things to come

The first version of Elysium was halted because of variety of issues. I also experimented with introducing human character animation, but unfortunately, you need to have the facilities and the budget of a Hollywood studio to be convincing and even that may not be enough. People have asked me to include humans but it is not possible at this state of the art. Not that I have not tried. So all my VR videos are simple worlds to entered and enjoyed with a sense of being in a different dimension.

The first project of Elysium was finally abandoned after hitting a number of software issues and snags, but all was not lost. There are still some nice images which resulted from it. Finally, after adopting a new approach, I started afresh and was able to hand the rough video over to my friend Craig to see if he can come up with some musical inspirations. It has taken a little bit of time to complete it though. But to keep you updated, here are some stills of the new version:

Progress Reports: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |

Current state of the art in human character animation in the Unity Game Engine executed by expert programmers. (Unity is the program I amusing for my work)